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Homes allow you to save locations and teleport to them indefinitely.

  • To setup your homes, type /sethome <name>, <name> can be anything but it is recommended to make it short, simple, and recognizable. To teleport into it, type /home <name>.

  • To check all of your homes, you can type /homelist.

  • Homes are pretty limited but you gain more as you climb through the ranks. If you ever short on homes, you can always type /delhome <name> to delete homes.

  • If you want to add a description or rename your homes, use the GUI (from /homelist).


  • Coal - 1 home

  • Iron - 2 homes

  • Gold - 3 homes

  • Emerald - 4 homes

  • Diamond - 5 homes

  • Netherite - 6 homes

  • Amethyst - 8 homes

Last updated