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By typing /lands command, you will see the Area option. To create a sub-area, click the Create Area and type the name of your area in the chat.

After that, you may start setting up that sub-area by typing /lands selection. Use the golden hoe to mark a location of your land to be in that sub-area. Left click the upper left corner and Right click the lower right corner of your selected land. You will see a visual indicator of your selected land.

An orange indicator will show after completing the selection.

Stand inside the selected land and type /lands selection expand to fully select to your area. You may also use this to specifically select Y-level of that area by typing /lands selection expand (Y-minimum) (Y-maximum). Type /lands assign (the name of your sub-area) confirm. You will see a visual indicator of your selected land. You may also check if it is fully selected by standing on that land and type /lands view. The Area should be named after your sub-area and not "Default".

My sub-area name is sub.

Last updated